📅 Datum:
24. 1. 2025 - PÁ 20h - SO 08h
District 23 začíná být pojem.
A na nás je aby tomu tak bylo i nadále. Proto se těšte na hromadu našlapanejch dj's, čistý zvuk, rychlý bary, shop s hadrama, světla, maping, laser a vše, co k pořádný párty patří. Letos jedeme ve složení : FDM, ANIMALS SOUNDSYSTEMA, YTOLAN TRIBE A VOSA a bude to jízda !!
Vstup 300,- do 22 hod., 400,- po 22 hodině
A bude to jízda i pro ZŠ a MŠ v oblasti postižené loňskými povodněmi.
Sleduj nás pro vice informací, line up bude brzy ještěři
District 23 is starting to be a household name.
And it's up to us to keep it that way. So look forward to a bunch of hot DJs, clean sound, fast bars, a rag shop, lights, mapping, laser and everything that goes into a proper party. This year we're going with: FDM, ANIMALS SOUNDSYSTEMA, YTOLAN TRIBE AND VOSA and it's going to be a blast!!
And it's going to be a blast for the Elementary School and Kindergarten in the area affected by last year's floods.
Follow us for more information, the line-up will be coming soon, lizards
A na nás je aby tomu tak bylo i nadále. Proto se těšte na hromadu našlapanejch dj's, čistý zvuk, rychlý bary, shop s hadrama, světla, maping, laser a vše, co k pořádný párty patří. Letos jedeme ve složení : FDM, ANIMALS SOUNDSYSTEMA, YTOLAN TRIBE A VOSA a bude to jízda !!
Vstup 300,- do 22 hod., 400,- po 22 hodině
A bude to jízda i pro ZŠ a MŠ v oblasti postižené loňskými povodněmi.
Sleduj nás pro vice informací, line up bude brzy ještěři
District 23 is starting to be a household name.
And it's up to us to keep it that way. So look forward to a bunch of hot DJs, clean sound, fast bars, a rag shop, lights, mapping, laser and everything that goes into a proper party. This year we're going with: FDM, ANIMALS SOUNDSYSTEMA, YTOLAN TRIBE AND VOSA and it's going to be a blast!!
And it's going to be a blast for the Elementary School and Kindergarten in the area affected by last year's floods.
Follow us for more information, the line-up will be coming soon, lizards